Mike Little
Mayor, District of North Vancouver
Over the 15 years that I have known Herman, he has been a tireless community volunteer and someone who I have called upon for input on issues affecting Pemberton Heights. Over the years, he has been a regular attendee at District Council meetings and has willingly served on District Committees. With his diverse background, work experience with housing matters and community involvement, Herman would bring a thoughtful perspective on key issues facing the District. I’m happy to endorse him for Council.

Flavio Caron
I first met Herman five years ago at BC Housing when I was leading a workshop on “Working Effectively with Indigenous Peoples”. Herman is sincere in his journey towards being a part of respectful reconciliation by first listening and learning about the history of Indigenous Peoples. I have found Herman to be a thoughtful person who makes meaningful contributions to the community both at work and in his numerous volunteer engagements. Every conversation leads to action. I am excited to see his dedicated and approachable nature as Councillor for the District.

Angela Girard
Councillor for City of North Vancouver
I have had the pleasure of working with Herman Mah as a fellow Commissioner on the North Vancouver Recreation and Culture Commission for the past two years. During this time, it became evident to me that Herman genuinely cares about people. Herman is a straight-forward, trustworthy, and professional individual with a big heart for his community of North Vancouver. He is an excellent listener, fair-minded and not shy to ask the hard questions to make the best decision for the betterment of all. I am confident that, if elected to Council, Herman would work tirelessly to make the District of North Vancouver a better place for all.

Mike Henry
Herman and I have been friends for over 15 years and one thing that stands out about him is that he really cares about people.
He’ll work hard on Council to keep the District a great place for families and outdoor activities. I’m excited to endorse Herman for Council.

Tracey Cochrane
Owner of Corner Stone Bistro
Herman has been very active with the Pemberton Heights Community Association over the 16 years that I have known him. He has also been a big supporter of my business, The Corner Stone Bistro, and spoke at the public hearings in favour of my two previous bylaw amendments. Herman has experience working with government and is someone who I can talk with when I have questions about dealing with the District. He will be a strong advocate for the Community and local businesses as a Councillor.

Babs Perowne
I know Herman through his work with the Downtown Vancouver Association and the North Vancouver Community Association (NVCAN). I appreciate Herman's insights and understanding of complex civic issues. His approach moves discussions toward consensus. I think he will use these skills effectively as a Councillor for the District.

Doug MacKay-Dunn
Former District of North Vancouver Councillor (1999-2018)
It is my distinct pleasure to endorse Herman Mah for the position of municipal councillor in the District of North Vancouver. Herman has served his community for many years. Through his efforts, much has been accomplished to improve and enhance the quality of life in Pemberton Heights.
The next four years will present challenges and opportunities for a well-balanced and cohesive council. Herman will bring his team-building skills to that body and, as an added bonus, his knowledge of housing issues will serve the community well.
Herman is an excellent choice.